Defiende tu privilegio de conducir
Road to Redemption: Expert Legal Guidance
Georgia law enforcement agencies are some of the most aggressive organizations in the nation; especially when it comes to Driving Under the Influence (DUI).
In Georgia, you can be charged with DUI based on the subjective determination of a police officer. A conviction carries with it the possibility of jail time as well as exorbitant fines and rehabilitative courses mandated by the state. Most importantly, a DUI conviction will permanently remain on your criminal history report. DUI convictions are NOT eligible for record restriction (“expungements”).
Even though when you get a DUI your driving privilege is immediately in jeopardy, if you request an Administrative Hearing within thirty (30) days of your arrest, you can retain your ability to drive! In Georgia, your ability to drive is synonymous with employability. DUI offenses are problematic and wrapped in legality, however we are here to serve you by guaranteeing your best defense will begin with the Windecher Firm.